If I could just have a purely black box with 1x4x9, I could make it perfect!
I think I did use it, but it did not give it the exact look I wanted.
Me and my class finished the book and the movie a little while ago and the movie isn't as good as the book, but it lets you get some cool images....
Hmmm. I think I'll think of another challenge and post it later. This one is pretty hard.
Hell, this is fun on 1v1! Excellent job. You should remake this on Sandbox, maybe in the crypt.
If you are going to try this, I would like to know. If you could leave a message that you are going to do this, so I know if this is something I...
I want to start giving ideas out to the community and seeing what kind of results I can get from you, consider it a little project. First, I want...
"Who the hell are you!? And you? Why am I here?" or "What the hell are you shooting at!? I'm right here! Moron..."
I think I just got done reading that part. By the way, awesome sig, Mero90! Thanks for the responses, people!
Lol, haven't made it that far. But, the music most people should know, but that doesn't help to know what the picture is.
End all proof of the release date. Mythic Map Pack Coming to Marketplace : 3/23/2009 11:56 AM PDT
Left 4 Dead. Demo of RE5 was okay, but the setting is crap. Africa? Doesn't have the creepy vibe from 4. L4D, every place is creepy.
Yeah, I guess that is going to happen. People need to read more...
[IMG] Looks like me, can't get the shoes or shirt right, but oh well...