Gamertag: advanzd Time on: GMT +1 from around 3 pm to around 12 Job: yes, parttime
thanks, and i know, i've learned how to ghost merge, so i'm making a new map, with ghost merging, and i'll upload pictures
I'm pretty noob @ forging, and lots of times I see those great maps like this one: : Halo 3 File Details how can u get those stone...
I made a map, as you can see. It's called sandbox racer and I made it in the space above sandboxe, coz i thought it would be cool coz you can fall... : Halo 3 File Details its a map with a sort of large building in the middle, was bored so made it with a friend, not really my best...
does anyone know a working, not uploaded at sharecash or any other survey file uploader, gold membership generator