HD PVR2 is 720p, at least thats the highest resolution I've ever been able to upload at.
Let me know what you think after you DL
Heyo not too bad for an arena style map. The only thing I can see that would bug me if I were to play on it is the long sight lines. There...
Solar Cars Created by: DieHardAssassin Map: Solarium I've gotten quite a few games on this map and I've finally decided to post it after...
Is it possible to make it so only people in vehicles can capture the hill whereas people on foot cannot? I have a fairly flat area for which I...
It seems a little large for 1v1, but 2v2 or 3v3 looks like it would be great
XBOX 360 ONLY Far Cry 3 lacks in one giant way for Map Creators and those that enjoy playing custom games on different maps. There is no way to...
One way shield doors usually are more effective
I'm trying to get some ideas together for the forging community. Please post below on your favorite pieces of previous halo maps. Any map works....
minigames have been around well before Race and HaloBall. Minigames were the reason race and haloball were created, not the other way around....
If you're really going for the containment/coag feel to your map then you should probably do away with the catwalks in the middle regardless of...