I tested the map before it was entirely redesigned. I have nobody on my friends list to test so since i was finally satisfied with the design i...
Azimuth This abandoned mining facility has no way out. 2-8 Players Download Link:...
Dividend Divide it up. 2-8 Players Download Link: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=19461675&player=xZonKeD Description:...
i would but i haven't looked at the map yet... I haven't been on Halo since Sunday and I don't plan on it for a while... Look's great from the...
At my moms for the weekend so I won't be back on until sunday afternoon or sunday night... Ill add you and monster back when I get on.
The post looks extremely good and well put together. I love seeing threads that look clean and get to the point as well as containing a clear...
It's a good thing as well as a bad thing all at the same time. The good that comes out of it is that more inexperienced forgers can now express...
haha thank you but all the credit for that bridge wall goes to my epic piece of bread, TheEpicCiabatta who is the most professional tear dropper...
Well over looking all my old threads even though this is one of my more recent threads I came to realize I never really commented back on anything...
haha you're funny, Delirium is good friends with all the kids from forging2perfektion as am I... It's just another kid making a sig that looks...
Eamon what happened to me being on your friends list? =O and why'd you stop, you were one of the better sig makers... Also, RapKilla and DeBehr...
Delirium you gypsy, I saw this screenshot in your fileshare the other day, glad you finally came to terms to add me haha Anyways, you and all of...
Deffinitely looks like one of the better MLG maps that are usually posted over here. Very interested to see this in game when it's done. Also you...