X1 big improvement
As he clearly stated above he was going to update us with pictures when he gets the time.
Well, I'm not one for knocking peoples confidence especially since its his first map you could be a little bit more easy with comments instead...
Nope, I hunt and thats the name I was given so I kept it :P It's in the past, don't worry about it. Yes, i'm a big fan of the empire lol.
That is very gentlemanly of you, i will keep that in mind :)
Thank you. P.S I'm a lady.
Thats crazy, would never have considered that domestic abuse.
I apologize for not making an immediate post on the introduction part, I am very busy just now as I have alot going on. I just dont like people...
Thank you :) Its a pleasure to be here.
It seems I got a row for not introducing myself, I don't appreciate being branded a "proxy" user. People are too quick to jump the gun....