i could use help with it... yeah.
Umm.... Gravlifts + Dumpsters + Fusion coils? R U dumb? Lol im jk of course but all youd rlly have to do is make an elevator shaft and put...
You ddid not read. The idea of this thread was for people to talk about Halo Reach and Halo 3's Armour Premutations, and if they wanted sign a...
They should have put more armour in this game, for elites. what is it, 5 armour pieces for each area? WTF, no leg customization? Help me by...
Wow. You are a *****. No one really cares if you made a better map, guaranteed this is a new member, so he could obviously take some pointers....
Yay! An Idiot on Forgehub! Just what we need! 1. Stop flaming the guy, ****, this could be his FIRST map you know? And, i think its actually...
Noww im pissed. Whenever i place barriers, (im trying to make something destructable, itll be released soon) they dissapear after a while. Now...
I dont know why you guys argue about this, the Carbine is much more powerful, and IMO a much better weapon. If they remove the Carbine, i will be...
Hmm... Well i havnt watched it yet, but its his first machinima... Give him a chance, and give productive criticsm such as, Dont put long credits...