Gamertag: BoE DarkImpulse Times you can get on: It's summer, mostly all day. Mic yes/no?: Yes. Something describing yourself: Uh. I'm an decent...
Woot. I'm back, somewhat. (I will be moving back and forth from Xforgery, and ForgeHub.) Egg.. If you didn't read the last 30+ Pages, We can't...
I'd say I am picking out of two. Strife, and Affray. Hmmm.
Wow, this is a great looking map. It sorta seems like you took your track skills and put them to use here. (The Giant walk ways) And I really love...
Hey guys, I think this is a great idea. Hope you can help me. I will try to help later if I can. Map Style: One Bomb/One Flag (With Conquest...
Okay, I know I seem like I am praising Meta here, but his spawn system is very good. I will explain. All zombies start out in what he calls a "fun...
Recon, I will do that, but I am not alound on computer unless doing some last minute homework, and I am going camping so I might start it monday...
Well, I haven't posted here in a long time. I have some thoughts, and maybe some idea. Game Type I would say that we build around Meta's...
I agree with Meta, don't like the name "Left 4 Halo" Although we should have something catchy. Recon: I think we should have a list of the...
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been active on the forums as of late, but I have been busy with my grade 9 exams and such. Well, over the time I haven't...
I had a little idea for the zombie spawns. There are three floating spawns about three tunnels. (Smoker, Hunter, and Boomer) And you will randomly...
I agree with Meta, we need to disregard personal styles, and pick one that suits the Boomer as an AI. THe AI Boomer usually waits around a corner...
I can agree with that, Boomer, Maybe Plasma Pistol (Claw) and Flare (Puke)
If we keep the boomer in, I would go with flare. But a flame based Zombie actually sounds cool.
Meta, I have a problem with that. It only happens in your map, since your spawn system is easier to understand, but for example, in my map, the...