add pics of the rooms, people always get the rooms horribly wrong and it messes up the map
falcon is horribly f****** overpowered for the guys that kill everyone
First off I dislike people that never played the originals and talk about remakes from the originals on the subsequent follow-ups, this map was...
yesh it is round, its also waaaay underground, and stretches from Switzerland to France I believe, and of course it would be hard to do any of...
*looks at where the map is posted* Forge Hub > Halo: Reach > Halo: Reach Custom Content > Reach Aesthetic Maps > Halo Reach LHC Reach...
WELCOME GENTLEMEN! Welcome to the Large Hugdron Collider Yes, Hugdron Get closer to your friends on a level you never thought possible. a...
This map is amazing once you've played it enough to know what to do, i would suggest for everyone to download this, I didn't know walker before...
that looks incredibly fun, I don't think it would be complete without the music though, I wish you could add midi music to your maps (midi music...
amazing, you should do mariokart maps now I for one would love to see a tick tock clock I loved Mario 64, I actually can't believe I forgot that...
just one thing quick, border patrol was on Halo 2 on zanzibar, so it wasn't created by people from CoD, just a heads up looks pretty cool, I'll DL...
I for one really like it, dl'd
I want to make it for everything, just have it so infection and invasion spawn outside the vault, and everything else has the outside the vault...
OK, so I don't want to post too many pictures too soon because I don't want to spoil the map. Lets just say I'm quite proud of it and I think it...