Damn, man, you sure do make one helluva map! If I do say so myself. If you ever need a playtester for a future map or just whatever, send me an...
Eh, **** it, sign Crushric up. All my friends apeared to have died so I should have the run of the weekend to do whatever. So when you get the...
I appreciate this maps look and feel, and quasi-inovation for the actual sewer system. I have but a few things to note. 1: for some reason I...
When are you going to post a V2? I'm just curious... Because I Want to play it!
Awsome! I'd be happy to help you test it (That's why I sent you a friend request ealier). So accept it and invite me when you're testing out the...
Just DLed it; haven't been able to play it yet, but the idea is startlingly clever. Not much else to say. It looks like a rather interesting game...
It may be because I'm missing something odvious, but I don't quite understand your question/request in the video. And since a Tutorial tells you...
True true so very true... I got a 3v4 game going (I was on the 3 team) the battle was fairly at a draw, my team was to good but the enimies always...
Definetly an awsome looking map, the holes in the map are easily avoidible any other problems seem null. Idea is original so that's a plus. For...
I would definetly like asset alot more if I.... Well, if I could actually get a competent team together. The one time a played it with a large...
hmm, I've only played on chasm, so I don't feel as though I have the right to vote, and I'm not sure that I could get a good game going.... Would...
Can't get it to work, perhaps you shouldn't fall into the water, but walk into it at an even level Edit: Got it to work, I bobbed up in time 3...
If there's anything else I can help you with, let me know, although like I said, I'm lazy when it comes to forgeing for prolonged periods of...
Alright, I'm just rying to make sure you soak up all the triggers you little heart can handle (Before bursting) And don't forget to see the...
No problem my friend, just trying to help, if there's any map designing (planning) that needs to be done, again, I'd be happy to help, in the mean...