Be glad I didn't get Rick Rolled. I didn't want to hunt you down. That's probably from Halo 3: ODST, like the death animations and things,...
Because of the Dashboard update, and the Title Update, something went wied with the system. Ever seen aby 'n' the chief Panic? The katana...
Bam, you have much to teach us.
Turn 3 looks completely, absoulotly safe. Yep. No chance we can fall off. Lulz, jk. Awesome map. But I'm running out of space, and I need it...
"So, what, you stole the Elites weapons?" "Me? No. That was Phil over there, he's getting tea bagged...Ewww"
me and a couple of friends messing around on sandtrap, making bases and killing each other. Bases are finished, we change teams and start fighting...
LOL or GTFO. Awesome pic though. Wierd as well.
When Arbiter see's it, he'll **** arms. Glitches. Making 2 Arbiters since 2007. What are you laughing at guys?
[IMG][/URL][/IMG] soz it's real tiny...
I don't like these maps. Sandtrap, if someone got a hammer, ended badly. They would smash objects away. It got really annoying.
Awesome map, but how come you arn'y killed by the Guaridians?
The story for the Ship makes no sense. Hyper-space? It's Slipspace. Beakin? Beacon. What's High Charity doing near the old Halo ring (which...