the things you have been taking? are you trying to tell people you do drugs or something?
this map is coming along. landers has done a lot since posting the original images. besides, those images were for people to get a feel, not...
would have to see it to believe it. looks too open there. besides that i do like the layout. i hate grey though. but that isn't your fault.
the bottom level hallways are a killing ground for people who are above at the upper level video: 1:00
i like how you have made the template for your map and are now asking for suggestions. that's interesting. most people, at least me, will try to...
ask there? and be taken seriously? who are you kidding? and how is a question about forge previews not relavent to forge? he asked in the...
map previews are to get people excited. if your map looks sexy then you'll definitely have people checking it out when you do post the final. if...
he said to PM him not respond here. and why are you promoting people to try and smother him? America is about being individualistic. It's what...
you're gunna be overwhelmed in 1 day dude. i'll PM you a map.
i've been busy. but i will get to reading these soon.
i did mean asym. what about sword base. that is all about elevation. i get that in slayer (SWAT) a lot. in reg. slayer there's no rocket on that...
so what do you think is the best way to balance the sides since it's symmetrical? elevation more than weapon placement? or what?
this looks like it could be fun. the way each section is its own island reminds me of cod. moving from building through open areas to another...
Do you think one is better than the other? Asymmetry vs. Symmetry. What are the pros and cons, not only of gameplay mechanics, but also of respect...