I didn't set out to make a Tron map. The blue lines reminded me of it though, that's all. :) As I mentioned in my other thread, I made the maps...
Thanks! Didn't notice that. Will do that next time for sure.
I'll try and remember for later. Just uploaded some for the other map. I get your point, but I'm pretty sure we have different points of views on...
Sure, will do so in a bit. Could just download it and check it out though. ;)
haha. FEWER explosions!? I was upset there wasn't more. :P We love blowing stuff up, so I put a bunch of them in here. We play up to 50, so lots...
Whole underside of the map you're not seeing, but the wide openness was on purpose. The platforms on the right side are meant to be scary, but pay...
Third tries the charm as they say! Finally a map I can be proud of. Lessons learned the hard way, and from others, come together to build this...
Second map; done from scratch this time. Turned out to be a lot bigger than I'd originally intended. Was testing out some ideas: Mario style...
First time posting here. Not sure I got the links correctly... if not, let me know how to fix them and I will. I just recently found the...