I will be done with mine by this weekend. I'll post it. Im 20% done but ill be done with it soon.
Uhh, apparently your file share has been banned or something.
Hey, Im really bored and have a four day weekend and im a little tired of matchmaking. So i thought of the idea to make a doubles puzzle map where...
OK well this will be hard without giving it away. First you will be in a hallway and you have to get out. Then some tricks and glitches to get...
Thanks for the feedback i can't get better without it. the funny thing is, whenever i play this game with my friends, it ends up with the zombies...
HEY. This is the first map me and my friend have made. This is a puzzle map so you have to try and get to the end. We've played tons of puzzle...
Hey everybody. I made this map with one of my friends TPG Gangsta. This is our second map (we made a puzzle map that I'll put on this site). It's...