The game looks fun. It's art style looks like a mix between Crackdown and Gears of War. I can't say that I'll buy it though since both Modern...
WWYDI - Jessica Alba gave you her invisible powers...? (no clue.. I guess it could be from a fantastic 4 game) Answer - I'd go and stalk every...
Modern Warfare 2 looks amazing. Halo 3: ODST looks horrid. Plus I have gotten sick of Halo. So it looks like the obvious victor is Modern...
The PS3 is expecting a dramatic price drop soon so all of you can shove off the fact it costs so much.
Yup, its totally worth it. Not only does it have the best graphics of the 3 major consoles nowadays but it also has a wide variety of features and...
Thats pretty cool you seen it :(
The game sounds incredibly fun but sadly its been done before. It looks like you added to the idea and perfected it! 5/5
The map looks great and the idea seems really fun. Since I have played Warfare 1917 I have some knowledge of how the game works. I also have a...
The map itself looks nice and I love the vehicular domination part. However seeing the same wretched type of structures and designs can be a major...
Yeah, no kidding. It must have taken the maker several tries to get just that piece.
The map itself is beautiful and looks extremely fun to play on. The only problems I would have to have problems with is the lack of light in some...
It looks nice and very fun to play on but the layout and some of the forge work are mediocre. The power weapon's placement is a little focused on...
The map looks amazing. Plus it brings back memories of the great Halo 2 maps that have faded away from us with the release of Halo 3 (that didn't...
All of the maps look great and well thought out. Olympian and Aftershock look hella fun to play on. Switchblade seems really nice and I like how...
The bases and the bridge look very nice. I dislike the designs for the other structures, but thats just me.