They delayed multiplayer so they could have an extra two weeks to work on it. This game is win. Massive step up from GTA IV. Good jerb Rerkster...
Title of the thread is silly. This is how most GoTY editions work. Still, wasn't expecting to see this at all. Good for whoever hasn't got around...
Been pretty busy with college life atm. I'll try to check it over the weekend. Lub choo Eightboo <3 <3 <3
3308-5664-5352 Getting Animal Crossing on Monday. I've got Mario Kart 7 and Luigi's Mansion 2 though. ADD IT DAWGS!
Looks like Lux. <3
I think it'd be a good idea to make use of the graphics that people submitted to the G&A homepage contest. I mean, the new FH logo is atrocious...
Frequent features would still be nice though (Y)
Shouldn't this be on the front page?
hahaha. What did you do to get him to dislike you? I managed to piss him off by making a joke :/
Yeah, merging the forums was a stupid idea. If anything it's just made it worse with all the clutter that's present. I'm really only visiting the...
I'll stay on the site for curiosity's sake, but I probably won't be posting unless there are changes that I don't agree with. From what I know he...
I requested it. I'm not too pleased with how Ovr is handling things and the guy can't take a joke so I don't want to stick around anymore.
Even if a new member was confused and asked Zombie a staff question, I'm sure he'd direct them to the correct person. That's not a fair excuse for...
Lol, I just judge it by the content of their posts and what it says about themselves on their profile. Normally most of the bots make it obvious...