The first one looks like the Gears of War 2 trailer. Coollllness.
There's some guy on who makes high quality versions of people's emblems. Had mine done, but had to resize it to midget size. x] [IMG]
I think I'll give it a go.
No brainer. Invisibility. I mean come on, free peep shows.
I feel you should sharpen the focal point (spartan) more, and blur the background between the spartan and font just a little. But it still looks...
That's when you put the baby up for adoption. You shouldn't EVER get an abortion. I feel whoever the parents are, they have no right to decide a...
My favorite sig was OpotheHippos. I less than three the way the effects came out.
Yeah, me too. First looks a little too cluttered to me, and all the colors sort of just like... clash.
Oh, my bad lol. PNG it is!
Those.... are SO sexy. My favorites are the second and fourth.
I saved it as a JPEG actually...
I actually like it. 4/5, What I wanna know is where the black rays came from.
There, it's a little bigger =]. Recently found out how to get it better quality... lol =\
Looks cool! Downloading now =]. I have a question though. What do you do with the creatures after you create them..? Watch them?
Yeah, the quality kinda makes it hard to read the text. I can read it perfectly in PS though. Bleh w/e. @Kninja: It's spawwn dude. xD