I looked at pretty much all the state schools as well as a ton of private schools in Illinois when applying to colleges the first time around. I...
Yea, I keep hearing that. I also hear campus security is a joke and people get mugged constantly on campus.
Wow, looks incredible. Looks a lot like Avalanche with Waterworks feel. I disagree with removing the roof I think the underground/cave feel looks...
Lol, I won't lie, the Florida schools hold their appeal mostly because of the weather and beaches. Yep. Lol I am a fan of both. I have not...
Looking to transfer colleges going into my Sophomore year. Schools I've been looking at: - U of Delaware - Appalachian State - Old Dominion - U...
If you mean what you say and this can comfortably fit 16 people then it looks a lot like a BTB Midship. Which is brilliant, innovative, and...
God gave you a gift. To make brilliant BTB maps. Good to see you are putting that talent to full use. I absolutely cannot wait to get in some...
I got one major complaint. Where the hell was this map 6 months ago!? Lol seriously, this map is beautiful and uniquely unique in the fact...
These look great nice job. First of all. Seraph look similar to the default Sandbox. While I am not a huge fan of the default set up I know a ton...
Absolutely loved Quake back in the day. Amazing game. Although my memory of many of the maps is a bit shady. I would suggest putting up a few pics...
Wow. Never played UT, was always a huge Quake fan, but after watching the vid and pic comparisons this looks like one of the most accurate remakes...
QUAKE III, oh the memories! Absolutely loved that game back in the day. While my memory on this map is a little faded it looks pretty well made....
Wow, that is easily the best Forged Phantom I've ever seen. Good luck with the rest of the map, can't wait to see how it turns out!
****... God what the hell. They cant do **** right for 3 straight periods. Then start an epic comeback only for Keith to fumble the puck and even...