Rusty, I am a quite surprised by your post. You mention that your map does not have overpowering areas or overused areas in it, but there are maps...
I've attempted a translation of the 'Latin' from my decoding of the final paragraph. I think I failed in some way. It's not truly Latin from a...
I've just decoded it. It's layered. I hope everyone knows Latin :P
Your method is the same as mine, I quickly realized that factors would be too ambiguous. Literally, we are using the same method.
This could also have something to do with factors, as both 17711 and 46368 have surprisingly simply factors, but I'm still looking for factors for...
If I am right about this, I may crack this thing in an hour. DeathYoYo: [SPOILER] I'm actually going to put a bit of effort into this one, as...
The entire concept looks pretty solid to me so far. It seems like Bungie is trying to blend Halo with UT/Quake elements, which makes me a very...
I'm AETHERA, just sent you a FR.
Yo, do you have a steam account? Gmod is good, but TF2 is way better if you have a decent internet connection. If you do happen to have a steam...
You crazy Forger, you! I wonder how I never noticed that you had been making this... Anyway, This thing looks very nice. You kept the absolute...
I did, it looks good.
Sure, I'll retouch your map if you want me to. I'll have limited time, but I'll do what I can.
Those parts are actually the highest playable part of the map. They're kinda like plateaus, really, but the LoS between them is relatively limited...
I r feenish'd cowurin', guy! Seriously, though, what are your thoughts on the design?
*Cowers in fear under the Almighty Glare of Ace* What did I do? I've been working on that design for quite some time. Did you show me the design...