Uplift, or Backwash. Nuff' said
Thanks for all your feedback! I know the concussion rifle and grenade launchers were a tad underpowered, but 1v1 and 2v2 on this played good....
Hey man! i just posted throne earlier today and its somewhere on page 1 or 2. You should check it out :)
Thanks! i thought it as a neat idea and it made them more noticable. Thanks for the feedback. I just wanted it to look natural and stuff, so it...
Hello all, and welcome to throne. This was in the making for about a month. I was only able to get a few games in for testing, thanks to some...
While playing on abridged, my ghost decided to fly across the map into the sky at 690000000.69 miles per hour. This is not a huge deal, it...
Very nice structures you got here. I like how you used the cave ... not may people forge there. The map could use some color... but its not really...
BULLSHIT. theirs only 4 cones!
This looks very nice. Havent even seen it before but ill try it out. Ill download and try and find the "hidden cones". Corrupt...
Wow very pretty. Looks like a clean forge. Nothing to complicated and the layout looks great. Kinda reminds me of longshore for some odd reason,...
Chill bro. Learn to take crticism. 4shot can be blunt, but trust me he knows what hes talking about. Quit defending every little problem with your...
That is EXACTLY why i used a fuel rod center weapon. Im glad you liked the tin cup usage and the fountain. i just thought it was a neat thing to...
Both of you please stop. 4shot has a huge point, he was pointing out the problems... deal with it. Instead of defending your map why don't you...
Ben check out the new avatar. Sexy amirite?