Maybe later. :P
Forgot your colors... Such a shame... :P Thanks for the suggestion, but in my opinion the map is balanced as is. I've done extensive testing...
Meh. I think it's balanced. :P DL it, play it for a round or two with your friends on slayer or team slayer, and you'll see.
That's true, but then wouldn't that be skill doing the job, not the shotgun? If a person takes out a sword wielder at close range, shotgun or not,...
Ivory Snake, the sword actually is a match for the shotgun. However, if I were to take out the shotgun, there would be no match for the sword. If...
That was a problem I anticipated when I put in the shotgun. That's why there's a sword, as well, so it can basically counter-balance the shotgun....
Thanks for downloading.
Everyone, download the new version! Just click the link again, and it will send you to the new thread. It's almost exactly the same, but two minor...
Many thanks, effendi. Are you going to download it? ;)
Larger pictures are now up.
I changed it. Thanks. :)
Re: MLG Carnage Alright, thanks for the warning. Would a Moderator be able to change the title to 'Carnage'? Thanks. :)
Re: MLG Carnage I spent about an hour last night working with those screenshots and the various links and codes. I'm a bit lazy to go make them...
Bungie thread link: Click here to get attacked by midgets and for the updated map (Thread link) Hey everyone, this is my first map that I've...