Last Activity:
May 30, 2008 at 1:54 AM
May 15, 2008
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Senior Member
Butchypoo was last seen:
May 30, 2008
    1. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      oh sweet. thanks. yeah so my video is about a minute long.. and its just a MM game in which i kept getting horrible respawns. so if you could like fast forward through the times i was dead that would be cool. music you could add if you like and maybe at the end or something like the four times i die just really quick. anyways i think i gave you enough information. if any is needed you can either make it up or ask me more. anyways heres the link
    2. T3chnomonkey
      Originally, when I created that thread, I had in mind people just posting their funny film clips, but now people are sending me longer stuff, which is getting annoying, and I have Exams soon, so sure, if you can keep up the quality of that video you make, I'd love your help. I'll add your name to the first post, and just let me know when your doing a clip so we don't both do the same one. XD.

      Also: I don't have Legendary map pack, so it would be nice if you could do those clips, thanks.
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