Took this during a Team Snipers match when I was going after this guy here. [IMG] ---------------------------- : Bungie...
XD Dude, you should submit that to Anoj's Top 10 website! They're gonna do an Epic Fail episode either next week or the week after that!
Ain't this worthy of being a desktop background or what?[/narcissism] [IMG] "It's like Mel Gibson vs. Nicholas Cage, but in space!"...
What it would be like to have to pwn your own friend on an online match. [IMG] "Forgive me. I had no choice." ----------------------------...
I believe that I splazered the Warthog of this poor group of Reds in Sandtrap. Even though I got a Triple Kill with whatever I used on them, my...
Obviously a death pose, but caused by my victorious explosion in a game of Grifball. [IMG] I KNOW SANG-FU! -----------------------------...
You're one tough egg to crack, huh, Sirant, not to say that's a bad thing at all or anything? You have your opinions and I have no right to...
My weakest screenshot here since that pose was right when I died, but I feel like giving it a shot, anyways. [IMG] You'll never get away with...
I stuck an enemy in the hand and another guy somehow got him in that pose when he killed him. What happened after the screenshot was that the...