Yeah, what's the trouble?
Nice Geektool setup, Dav. ;P Mine: [IMG] See-through: [IMG]
You actually pay less per map than say a bungie map. Heroic Map Pack: $10, 3 maps, $3.33 per map First Strike: $15, 5 maps, $3 per map You mad,...
When I visited Paris, I stayed in a beautiful apartment a quarter of a block from Notre Dome. That entire part of the city is amazing, day and...
The only people buying the F22 is the US Government, which is unfortunate since 60 planes costs $15 Billion.
As much as I dislike the thought, the only real way for America to get a little economic bandaid would be for another war as large scale and...
Clean [IMG]
I think it's going to be awesome. I really don't think people should judge it based on MW2's performance, it looks like Treyarch has taken out all...
So I found this motherboard which supports the processor that I've chosen (AMD Phenom II 965, 3.4GHz quad core) but it has integrated graphics. Of...
In 5 years hopefully I'll be a junior in college probably at one of the schools you listed, followed by getting a job at Boeing or another large...
Alright, thanks guys.
I'm trying to make a map and I have one, very, very large issue. I can't seem to get anything to align vertically very easily at all when using...