So I have posted maps for review, tried to get help for working on a custom gametype, posted maps for others to download and basicllay just bided...
I think rank does not mean anything. why you ask... look at COD for a sec for reference. In COD you get somewhat rewarded for ranking up (getting...
Creek 2010 was inspired by Beaver Creek with a simple 2 base layout. It is ready to play for CTF(multi), TS, KOTH and FFA Slayer for up to 8...
I dont know if you got the message I just sent you (screen froze upon sending) but ty for your help
-Windows in last pic are pitched so the glass is paralel to the floor and can be seen thru. I was attempting to find a different way to use them...
Benefit for going to the middle- There is three hills total and originally I had all three pass thru the middle but I changed it to only two...
My gratitude and respects I appreciate all your responses Nibs, Shock, Chris (I assume its Chris sorry if I am wrong) and Plasma. After posting...
the light is supposed to take the place of the fire that was there, not neccessarily for lighting. I'm pretty sure I polished off the map with...
Disgaea 1,2, or 3 Its is a tactics turn based strategy game that not only allows for plus games and subsequent playthrus but also allows players...
ty pet and timmy for your feedback. Pete you are definately correct about the framerate thing its almost unavoidable for a lockout remake it...
i give up . . .
*Midlle to Sniper Jump- I only had to lower the railing .2 (just a bit) to allow for this jump to be made with default settings [IMG] *Middle...
Ok I just spent an hour taking screenshots and attempting to update this post with more pics... I did but just like other times I have tried to...
I look at it this way... I use an easy description, if you are one of the people looking for a good remake then you will download it and look for...