The ramped pipes used to jump up to the top larger pipe were very important to the gameplay of this map. I don't think I saw them in here. Might...
Good point. However they are now official to the game, correct? Maybe they should be a section in here anyway.
A few halo CE PC maps are missing. Downrush, imminent and the other 1.5 maps.
The ledge on the lift, I would often to use to regain shield or surprise someone. The first jump in the video was a popular one too but may be a...
If you see me on send an invite and I'll help you throw something together and provide ideas if you want to help. The old design wasn't directly...
Good job. Few things that I want to point out though just from the pictures and video. -The wall behind gold used to bounce nades is missing...
Noticed this on gillitine in a spot that wouldn't have made it through testing, so I'm assuming there's not much you can do about that. Maybe...
Man, I'm falling behind. You guys are making these gorgeous maps and I haven't even got my block outs tidied up for testing. Haha.
Desert canvas and terrain pieces. Halo ce/2 texture/color packs. FORGE OFFLINE Boot option Local files Undo button (Only local or online, either...
Flats should be flat in addition to the sloped edges. Could always use more. Think outside of the box, snag anything from campaign or multiplayer...
- Less polygons *No rounded edges on blocks *No grooves/cuts - Missing pieces *Quarter cylinders *Sizes that get skipped - Better organization...
Top left is definitely strongest looking in my opinion. Though the C isn't defined as much, it is still my favorite by leaves. Second would have...
Can't wait until for forge to release so we can get this rolling! What kind of merch did you have in mind? Bow ties? Toe less socks?