The glitch that caused invisible barriers to appear at the entrances to Red and Blue Nest has been fixed. Special thanks to MidnightHinata for...
BBreezy updated Colosseo with a new update entry: Invisible Barrier Glitch Read the rest of this update entry...
Just tried it and it worked perfectly! Thanks! Those barriers wreaked havoc during the playtest.
Thanks! I tried to make the aesthetics as clean as possible. Still have some touch ups to do. The snow is really only thick at a distance but i...
BBreezy submitted a new map: Colosseo - A 4-6 player symmetrical arena. "Over the centuries, blood has sunk deep into these sheltered walls."...
Hello humans! My GT is BBreezy819. For my first map in Halo 5 I decided to do a reboot/continuation of an original arena I began making in H2A...