For the most part, I like what I see. However, in the second to last picture, I'm not really liking how those airlocks overlap It's sorta weird...
I'm not sure how fast you move through the trait zones, but I would definately suggest enclosing them in shields totally.
Woah man, chill down a second. I personnally don't like the idea of the gravity zone slides, they seem to leave you too exposed compared to the...
I gotta say, I really like your center structure design. (Probably the best I've seen yet, imo.) But, your use of glass walls is a little...
I'm having trouble seeing how the bottom and catwalk levels interact. I would like to see some more cover in the mid level, and maybe more...
Out of curiosity... How hard is it to use a trait zone to mimic a gavity zone?
But the BR tower in Blackout is larger than it was in Lockout, so the prefab peice we have is the actual size of the building from Lockout, not...
Actually, I think there are Flood Lights under the Dominion section. I can't say how well they work, but it's an option.
I would say remove the crates, and maybe move the barricades further inwards. Make the bridge a strong location, but very hard to hold, I think.
THe bridge looks really cool, but it seems to get a little bland towards the bottom left of the first shot, as you move away from the area. It...
Yeah, I saw the station pieces and knew why you did it. It's just too bad, y'know? Still awesome.
My only wish is that you had built it on Erosion for the rusted style. Other than that, this is awesome looking.
Turrets and Vehical pads do, if set to the team you want using them. Nothing else seems to.