nice one! other than the fact that theres too many snipers and shotguns, i think its one of the cooler maps out there. also, as spl4tterman said...
Holy crap you did your homework! As to say you know alot. Anyway, the helicopter itself looks sick and well made but maybe you cold incorperate it...
I was gonna make this but im too lazy. good job on it anyway except i dont remember the boxes around the pole area being so close, maybe you can...
I loved this map ( even though its few flaws) even before it was featured. It is definately the best construct remake . grav lifts are nearly...
for a relay dish maybe you could use a tele frame at 30 degrees, anyway its is a good map i think otherwise
is that a pinball machine I see? ha thats cool, the fan looks cool too. does it play well with 3 vs 3? I also noticed that you can spawn in the...
sweet, I see why you called it nightmere, nice aethetetics! and for your first map its awesome
It reminds me of an actual multiplayer map(by bungie) and I agree with pac monster in the fact that it is very clean and flows well. The only...
sick map (from the pics) I like the square-thing in the middle, but if I see this right there are bases that we cant really see inside so you may...
cool, and origional! I remember playing this map on battlefront 2, and from the vid it looks very accurate except i think you should make it so...
impressive, looks good Ill dl and get back to you
downloaded. It is awesome (though a little big) and as this was my favorite h3 map, I definately agree that it is the best valhalla remake, i...
im making an epitaph remake as well and it is hard! all i have left is the inclines and 300 bucks. so yours is really good with the budget and...
Good map though a little big. Had you shortened it to about where the teles are, it would have been great. I really like the middle