You just reminded me of Omega journey, i hope to go that doesn't come back.I won't be able to handle a 3 hour journey.
I see that everyone has relized the possibility of giant teleporters, but what about tiny ass teles? Like micro teleporters hidden in mid air for...
Once none of my friends are online i check recent played, and join anyone possible. Late late one night (about 4:00am) I was playing and I joined...
Here's a better idea, BUNGIE RELEASES THE DAMNED PC VERSION! mods galore! ;)
They should be able to make a forge items pack that makes more items available for the maps everyone already has, 400 mp and it makes nearly every...
hopefully this thread gets moved, and that it THRIVES and that can only happen if you KEEP POSTING... And the spinning objects alone would be...
Request thread move to forge discussion asap, yeah, this should be moved to forge discussion, but yeah ladders, conveyor belts (basically a bridge...
love the glass but as for a door that you can shoot but not walk through im pretty sure that's what a fence wall is... ...I also thought of...
Basically this is a thread to suggest new forge items for the next 3 maps. To start off... 1. A new version of a shield door but when you touch it...
I agree completely. P.S. the quote system needs to be changed you can quote anyone to be saying anything. i.e.
I used to be really interested in keeping up to date with this thread but after a few months I've realized the cycle... 1. Somebody says...
He's right, the big bang theory states basically that there was a massive energy source pretty much the size of a pinhead, well, where did it come...