yea interlocking glass pieces has major framerate issues. and the railing is dominion pieces
i made a 4-way symmetrical map. when i create gametypes and spawns i always do it all game specific. is there a way to make two different slayer...
all i would like to see is custom sized building blocks. say if i wanted a piece that was 3x7x1 i could type it in and get it
i just took the lights out and it took the lag away
i got this map where in one particular spot looking towards the center gives framerate issues. heres a pic of the view in which give the issues. i...
google image various styles of architecture. look for cool buildings and architectural features in your own community. play the campaign and look...
not at all man. thats why i posted it, to share something cool with the community
yea correct. they don't line up so you gotta nudge to get it to look right. i just started a 1v1 2v2 map last night thats gonna have one in each base.
it goes up and makes 90 degree turn. every step is angled at 5. that would be 18 pieces for the steps and 18 for the wall. so its only actually 36...
infection where the infected are playable flood characters(makes more sense then elites)
how come everytime i pick up the sniper rifle i get some kid that wants to follow me around team shooting me trying to unscope me. i swear it...
Reach Forge Tutorials Ep 3: Invasion Part 1/2‏ - YouTube Reach Forge Tutorials Ep 3: Invasion Part 2/2‏ - YouTube these are the vids...