Friend me baby...I love a good Forge map, and mama will only whisper sweet nothings in your ear. ;)
Ha! Love what you did with the skulls ;)
See, posting something even with simple geometry at it's beginning, shows ME what to do with all that open space on Alpine. It just says "I'm a...
I have to say, this new iteration of Forge has thrown me for a loop. The new control scheme, the initially over simple-seeming block/primitive...
Goodness gracious great balls of fire!
I've seen some Forge maps that were true works of art. I try to invoke the "oooh, pretty!" response when I get the time to make maps myself...
All these details are AMAZEBALLS, it's like getting a full course meal after starving for days...I also love the love for the Forging community...
Edit...repeating myself.
<> More skins/palettes <> Bring back the Halo Reach Forge and the Halo 3 "Sandbox" palettes <> Keep the Wraith and hogs, especially the civilian...
I saw the sea stack. I cried. Question: are coordinates available? I didn't see that option in the menus on the video. It could be he wanted to...
Hey. I downloaded this map a bit ago, and played a couple of games...I personally forgot about the grids during game play, It feels like Halo...
My emblem I have used in different forms since Halo 2 is gone :( I don't see the lips anywhere on that unlockable list :(
...It's a low quality YOUTUBE video. Hardly conclusive.
Just want to say: Wade, Your "Matrix" idea for a map/game type just ROCKS! Perhaps you could call it "The Nebuchadnezzar" (yes, you see...
Facepalm....just facepalm Seriously? 343 bring in a weapon made of plasma energy and NOT give it the cool sound it deserves? If you listen to...