Ahhhh! This makes my want my gold back so much! /rage This looks quite fun; it reminds me of Thunderdome a little bit (if you remember that...
Dude! This looks too epic. When I finally get gold again, we have to play on this (or else). :p
It's the first of three(?) books in a Forerunner-focused trilogy.
This looks like it could have some potential, but it needs some work. Overall things need to be a bit more organized (avoiding shots of land...
I toyed with this idea before I my gold ran out. I think this type of gameplay would make up for the fact that zombies are so easy to dispatch....
However, by lowering movement speed to 75%, you've made it that much easier for people to land un-scoped body shots. It's not that hard to do...
Based on the lowered damage resistance, I think the sniper rifle and grenade launcher might be too powerful. Is the sniper rifle a one shot kill...
Headshot weapon + plasma pistol = noob combo = overpowered
I believe you can do the following in the URL to be given a larger version. /big/medal.gif It worked for weapon icons, so I'm only assuming it...
From what I've seen, a partially ruined city would be relatively original. I've seen quite a few maps that have incorporated some level of urban...
QFT. 'nuff said.
Focus: EMP blast deactivating nearby electronics. Mechanics: A spherical blast of electromagnetic radiation takes out all sensitive equipment...
One of them spawns by the downed longsword. If you select the "delete all" option while holding this sniper rifle, the other will also disappear...
This would have been better asked here. Anyway, once you upload your (I'm assuming) map to your file share, you simply need to copy the URL from...