First off, there were just a few minor things here and there that needed fixing. Nothing much of note. The big difference comes with a change to...
Anemeros updated Turbulent with a new update entry: A couple of tweaks... Read the rest of this update entry...
Anemeros submitted a new map: Turbulent - Mirrored, arena-style map built for gameplay without sacrificing creativity. Two main bases, a Phaeton...
[MEDIA] EDIT: I replaced the Phaeton with the Wasp :) Hello fellow forgers! This is Turbulent, a re-imagining of a map I have made in previous...
I won! All my mapz is teh winnar!!!jk Seriously though, I would like some clarity on the process of informing the lucky winners. Email, Live...
What is that supposed to imply? That seemed very negative for some reason. Isn't it a courtesy to follow up a complaint with an explanation of...
So far I have tested it in Slayer and Team Slayer with 6 players, and it played very well. Much of the action took place inside the club (even...
The idea behind Shore Leave is that it's a UNSC base with a heavy emphasis on R&R. This is where soldiers come to wind down and relax for a bit...
I must admit that I don't really like the round walkways coming down from the ceiling. When you added glass decor across the entire upper-levels...
Let's get this out of the way right now... In the year 2499 Galactic Toilets unveiled their patented "black hole anti-waste containment...
During testing all of the concerns I had about the map never became an issue. No one has ever complained about the range of the map, because long...
You are right, they are very blurry because I could only figure out how to copy the pics from photobucket. Didn't realize that you could grab 'em...
Turbulent wasn't designed to be extremely creative or original. I wanted to make a balanced map with an interesting layout. A traditional...