Do I really need to tell you my opinion?
I never understood why they implemented bloom yet changed halo 3's bullet mechanics to hitscan. If the point of bloom was to make recoil...
So in case you haven't read it, you can find the BWU by clicking here. One of the big things that was discussed in the Forgetacular Winner's...
What's your e-mail? I have a clean version I could send you, if you're into DT you'll definitely enjoy it
Snow way! They're one of my favorite bands, mostly because I consider Mike Portnoy to be a god (He's my fave drummer, in case you couldn't tell)...
Right?? I love when people just hide that kinda stuff in their music... it's nuts. I know Dream Theater has three albums that each start with the...
I dunnoooo, I thought the alternating vocals in parts 1+2 were pretty sick, along with the echo effect at the end too Now I feel the need to try...
So I just discovered this today... My mind is blown.
I love this map, its design reminds me of some the amazing maps from early on in Halo's career. Great job creating it and gratz on the feature!
Seeing as these types of maps are my favorite, this map looks extremely promising. It's reminiscent of Guardian/Lockout without directly copying...
I'm loving how you managed to so seamlessly blend the natural landscape with the artificial architecture
Any chance you haven't actually done this and just copied it nearly word from word from Titmar's thread?
I wish they would come out and say: "Hey, look, maps with x,y, and z won't pass our tests to make it into matchmaking, so if you want to play your...
*A good part of this post is conjecture based what I understood from Bungie's updates and other sources. Do not take it as fact* From what I...