I've been known to play on there a fair bit, but mostly through the facebook app. Anyhow, I look forward to challenging you.
Sweet. We'll have to meet up online sometime. Though I feel I must warn you, as I am the current world record holder for "Most lines cleared in a...
Thanks for the kind words! I'm actually still working on this map, so this is really just the prototype. Once the end product is finished I'll...
You would think it's just luck, but the use of navigation skills while falling at fast speeds is a mandatory requirement. So, longer story short,...
This firefight mode was made by yours truly, to honor the rarely sung about solders in the Halo universe, known as "O.D.S.T.". Yes, I know that...
The way this "HORSE" map is played, is quite simple. All you have to do is get on a mongoose, ride it into the drop tunnel, and land on the...
I won't deny, there are a few kinks to work out, and I'll continue to do so until the map meets everyone's standards. However, I do have to say...
Alright, I've got to work in a few, so expect them up by tomorrow at the least.
Brought to you by "Underground Devils": This map is best for "4 Team - Multi Team" matches, and makes it almost impossible for players to camp...