WOW! An acctual good map on ghost town i love your forging and this looks great for 1v1, one thought though maybe you should include more pics i...
I got the giggles when I saw this map
woh!!!! i knew it was going to be a good map ever since teh first pic the other ones dont give me a really good layout though. GJ
Damn I was thinking of those same words when I was about to post something on it so I will just reply to yours.
I dont really like the idea of race tracks with many obstacles and a narow runway because it takes the fun out of it. The idea of trying to get...
Walkways walkways walkways wow our maps are amazing and this one just make your inventory shine. awsome map you really are blessed.
HAHA the guy who told you THAT is new so why did he call you new when he is the one who is new and you but.... WTF?!
Wow cool map dude i love how astheticly pleasing it is and how the map layout looks. Cant wait to see more from ya! Good Job
All I have to say is FIRST!..... Jk I love your write-up its awsome and all the game modes your map supplies, nice looking athsetics and gameplay,...
WOW just such an amazing map and beautiful geometry, too bad you cant have the filter you used to edit the images it makes it look mystical
You probibly should have set this up just to be an athsetic map since gameplay looks so-so on it. just make the center structure look better (to...
Just one thing and one thing only.... REMOVE THE FILTER MY EYES ARE BAD ENOUGH I CANT SEE SH*T!!! JK but really remove it. Anywase back to the map...
Map looks pretty clean and the structures give it a good feel. I would give an overhead view though i cant really see the layout. BTW the camo...
Nice looking map havent seen one on cold storage... errrr whatever its called (havent played it much ((i dont like it)) but thats why it was free)...
I think this map looks pretty good maybe a little, and i mean a little wee bit think that its a little rough around the edges but looks like a fun...