E3 2011 - all the latest - news, reveals, conferences, editorial - Gamer's Guide to Life.com & SystemLink Skyrim ^^
YouTube - Halo 4 Trailer Official E3 2011‏ halo 4
E3 2011: Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary E3 Trailer Video - Xbox 360 - IGN
Dude you need to put some images up. if you dont know how to put them in then just ask around. :P but if you do...then you better put them in soon xD
Gay :D
So yeah my old gamer tag used to be iWeekendWarrior and eh......im on Rooster Teeths Fails of the Week No. 33 :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
it was a joke xD im obviosly not a member of ure clan.....im with uprising :P
em.....thanks for telling me that.....what did you want?
You mission, kill all of convenants ! but your station are in bad condition ...
Anal ¬_¬
I really should change my armour back too what it was ¬_¬. Anyway, good map, im never a fan of mlg as you know but i do like the maps that people...
Yay 4 infractions :D
Thanks man, im thinking about changing my GT to > :L lol no you dont get too see :D < or il make a second account for forging called that...im...
Hay mark, are you wanting to join the Assassin Forge Clan ;D ......