I Do see the contradiction , but I already told him to not mix personal skill in this talk and he did it again , so the only way to prove my skill...
I am only gonna reply to this for now , lack the time and the mood for the rest. Yet I have to say you do what you accuse me of doing , spewing...
@Pegasi (avoiding quote to save your eyes) I have to say that indeed my post might have been half-assed so yeah am telling you know I am all for...
Stop fooling yourself."A VERY COMPLEX skill gap"? Are you seriously joking here? They are quite more skilled based than the Automatics yes , but...
The hating on Halo Reach by players and video game joirnalists is sad and funny. It is a trend on most videos I see for people to be praising...
You really just read some of my words as if they were on their own there. I never said all there is to FPS is aimin for the head. I said that...
You are talking as if precision weapons DO require skill. In what way? Aim for the head and spam trigger? Knock knock that's how you play fps...
So since we have primary and secondary weapons now , some issues pop up that apparently weren't thought of. Since they fit in the same...