Yea, I might after we expand. is a little easier now, though, because most people already have linked GTs. Just post up on our forums...
Does that mean you are or aren't interested? lol
Alright sweet. I'll check out some of your work and probably promote you to Forging staff.
Hey I was wondering if anyone wanted to lend a hand out to me and help me and my newly started Halo 3 group with our Forging Branch. As a matter...
Hey I was wondering if anyone wanted to lend a hand out to me and help me and my newly started Halo 3 group with screenshots/videos. As a matter...
Lol I don't remember that, but I do recollect that your name is quite familiar.
Lol it's good. What do I know you from? I know you're name's familiar lol
Yo the top of your page is laggy because of the pictures you have posted there. Also, the story and such cannot be read because the font is far...
Welcome to forgehub! First of all, you need a link to the download in you're post. Secondly, I'll give you some tips on your map. As far as I...
Yea same. You want to keep the **** role-players off the beach by bribing them with a clearly better advantage in the bunkers. That should do the...
Sorry, but this post belongs in either the casual map or aesthetic map section.
It looks interesting, so I'll download and hopefully come back with some good input soon. But first, you might want to add things to your post (I...
My only wish for this map was that it would be better suited for more gametypes, but I appreciate all of the approval it is getting. I had to...