Yes, when I said Terraforming I meant, make something with rocks and tin cups. As it is I'll have to see as my parents are limiting my game time...
I'm remaking Bloodgulch using terraforming, making the actual hills and valleys and cliffs using scenery pieces. If you could draw up some shots...
Many people were annoyed at the lack of an exact blood gulch remake. I am planning an alternate to Hemmorage. A fully remade, exact replica, down...
hey broccolli I just finished Invasion: Powerhouse v2 (technically its v5 but anyway) I've added a second first phase objective inside the grenade...
Sorry if this comes out wrong but in my experience it's best to avoid two way teleporters in reach due to the teleporter glitch. Where you will...
i realised how corny that sounded, oh and although it will be my map, I could see about having the map creator field be filled with the name...
I already have a map named castle, however I have no objections to your using it. Check out my map below.
originally known as the super MOA, the OOD (Ostrich O Doom) was quickly discovered to be a godlike entity. capable of making enemies tremble and...
if this works out well then good for you, if not +10 MOA points for trying. ------------------------------------ MOA points, refundable for one...
Thanks for your comments, yes I am aware of the difficulties of getting a map into matchmaking, I've gone through the pain of seeing some of the...
Hi wonderfull Forgehub community. If you are reading this hen well done, you are now +10 MOA points*. If you aren't reading this then how the hell...