Now this is what I call originality! It actually gives the impression of being on a docking station. Nice image shopping as well.
It's big, it's explorable, and has a hangar: good job on that. Still, it's a little boxy, even for a UNSC ship. BTW, never use stairs for wings...
It's good that this was made with playability in mind, but the device itself could have been made a little more creative than a simple coil...
From the outside, it looks great. However, you could very easily fix up the inside so that it didn't looks so akwardly open. Close up the bottom...
They're actually pretty good shots, if only you hadn't whitewashed them. You could probably take Nova off and leave on a juicy/gloomy combo.
This is but one gallery of hopefully many to follow. The shots were taken by both myself and KwirkyJ, but my service record contains all of them,...
They're too much in the foreground to actually look like like the guy's testicles. If they were closerto the body, it might work.
It looks like the caption for this pic should read "You owe me my tree-fitty"
I take it that this forge was over XBOX Live? If you were not the connection host, lag could have caused "beam recalculation" as the Spazer was...
O teh noes! Dat is a pooor byrd!
I like the fact that there's so much presence in your shots. These aren't just still-life pics, they actually seem to capture the emotion of the...
Another Robot? Only this one is sitting on something. I wonder how the robot phenomenon will evolve next. Maybe next time the robot will be...
Thank you for the data on the lockout ghost. I looked though lots of other reports, and it seems very likely that the ghost is in fact just the...
I thought that this only applied to boxes that had been placed on their sides, or stood on end.