I can't wait for this game. I am only buying games thats are single player only (mainly) this year and this is at the top of my list. Elder...
The campaign really has no plot or real direction until the last two levels. Also the campaign is very short and has you back tracking through...
In this thread discuss all of your complaints about Halo: Reach or things about it that you don't like. I have done this so the forum doesn't get...
WHATS OUT NOW 1) NOTHING....i can't think of anything better than reach, which i refuse to put first because its such a let down 2) Halo: Reach...
Basicaly go out get drunk watch a whole load of girl on girl porn and cheer yourself up :D
I think the onlines a little un-balanced and glitchey but my only real problems with the campaign, i think its one of the worst i have ever played.
Recently Bungie posted a new screen shot (below) which shows us some new armour pieces and also shows you can change your knee caps. However...
I thought firefight was somthing new but it lost its appeal quickly. Overall i would say its a bad game.
The story wasn't awesome it was kind of broing. The first game had a awesome campaign. Anyways back on track. I kind of liekd the multiplayer, you...
STORY AMAZING? not really the story for this one isn't that great the story for the first game was much better.
6, i thought it was just a downgrade of halo 3.
Bioshock 2 Review WARNING CONTAINS SOME SPOILERS When I first heard that they where bringing out Bioshock 2 I was fairly excited because I have...