I was able to download this map and played a couple of games on it. I must say that it definitely "feels" Prisoner-ey, but there are enough...
I played this map 1v1 and really liked the cat-mouse nature of the slim tunnels. You would think the top level is vastly superior, but you...
I really like that you resisted the urge to submerge further into the water. My problem with some of these maps using the water as a feature...
I must really suck at puzzle maps; the first jump after going under water was impossible for me, then a couple puzzles later I said "eff this"...
Hey! Who're you calling dumb?! That's my namesake you're throwing out there and I'd appreciate it if you didn't use it so lightly! :P (obviously...
Perhaps the draw of getting outside the map is too distracting to make some really good maps. I feel like Bungie gave us this massive, massive...
Agreed. The helmet seems like it would have been the most challenging, but you nailed it effortlessly. Well done.
I would enlist the help of the Tester's Guild if you would like your map tested. As for the map, you certainly did very well to sculpt that ship...
I seriously can't believe people are partaking in this discussion... But what the heck, right? That's what these forums are for! :) My...
I just tried this map out in a 2v2 game of slayer, and I generally like it. The one thing that became bothersome was using the mancannons. They...
Is this really prisoner? I am quite fond of that map, but haven't played it in a while. So, maybe its my shoddy memory that makes me feel like...
I certainly appreciate the care you put into the map to make it symmetrical, but I'm not sure how well it will fare for any game above 2v2. Close...
Oooh... I just noticed the 8pm starting time is Eastern Time Zone, which is 5pm over here on the west coast. That's when I get off work (5pm on...
I would like to partake in the tournament. FH: a dumb cat GT: a dumb cat
I simply cannot wait to get home and fire this up! I'm glad someone finally gave this map the attention to detail it deserves. Forgers know as...