Zealous Loyalist Prefab Pack

Map Description

  1. Ascend Hyperion
    "Heresy, remove this filth!"
    The defeat of the Prophet would not equal the defeat of the Covenant. As the old Covenant split in half, the loyal and proud rose from the ashes. These Zealous Loyalists will stop at nothing to obtain the key to the Great Journey. With these new and improved vehicles, victory must be assured.

    The Zealous Loyalist Prefab Pack is an assortment of custom Covenant vehicles by yours truly. Each is designed wit actual play in mind, with the intent of these vehicles seeing action on your maps! I'll provide a short run down of each here.

    Be sure to drop a Like and Bookmark!


    The Tracker Ghost
    "Our Gods cast light upon all"
    The Tracker Ghost is an upgraded Ultra Ghost that features protective plating that shields the driver from side shots. It also come equipped with a working spot light that will illuminate the darkest hiding place.

    Known Bugs:

    All and all the Ghost suffers from no major issues. Please be aware though that if the Ghost is allowed to do damage to itself it may begin to break itself.

    The Streetsweeper Ghost

    "Splatter Spree!"
    With a large battering shield mounted to its front, the Streetsweeper Ghost is a force to fear. The shield not only offers protection to the driver, it also increases the splatter surface of the Ghost, making those sweaty Ghost evades even harder.

    Known Bugs:

    The Ghost appears to suffer from no major issues.

    The Zealot Ghost

    "Heresy shall be crushed beneath our feet!"
    More of a tank than a Ghost, the Zealot Ghost is an Ultra Ghost variant that has a protective canopy that makes the driver immune to outside damage. This coupled with the additional armor all around, makes the Zealot Ghost a hard challenge to face. Explosives will be the primary method to destroy this titan on a Ghost.

    Known Bugs:

    The Zealot Ghost currently has one major bug. If the Ghost is allowed to damage itself, it will become unusable. This can be avoided by not shooting while making sharp turns.

    The Zealot Ghost Mk II

    "Victory is the greatest reward"
    Fast and powerful is an under statement. The Mk II Zealot Ghost features all the same benefits of its predecessor, but with a mounted spotlight and new, refined body.

    The Mk II version was built to correct the issue on the regular Zealot Ghost. As such, this vehicle will not be rendered useless with self damage.

    Known Bugs:
    None to report.

    Phantom Dropship

    "Behold, the wings of war."
    This Phantom variant can be piloted freely and can also hold up to four passengers in the hanging side seats.


    Avoid boosting for smoothest flight. All regular flight functions are available though.

    Ultra Gunship

    "Death from above"
    This flyable Phantom variant features two side mounted Ultra Ghost Turrets and two hanging passenger seats.


    Same as above.


    Let me know what you think! All can be found by following the "Download" option. Having issues Bookmarking the object? Be sure to drop a Like and BM on the file and save a new copy. Be sure to disable sharing of the copy.

    I'd appreciate bug reports as well.


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