
Map Description

  1. Buddy Jumps
    "Your car starts to slide on a mountain road. Before it falls into the canyon you are able to jump out. Unfortunately you slid into a glacier hole. Escape this abandoned labyrinth of ravines!"

    Wrong Turn is my newest adventure map that plays with light and shadow in an interesting way. It's a mix between jumping and puzzle parts. The length of this linear map is a little bit short, so be warned.
    I designed it with my "Let's Jump!!" gametype in mind. If you can't beat it with said gametype you can use a standard slayer gametype. ;)


    WAYPOINT LINKS: Map + Gametype
    Vientus and TurbTastic like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. This is a hard one to rate because I loved it but There could have been so much more done to extend the ending, it felt like it was over before it started.
  2. This is the most aggravating jump map I've ever played and yet it was so simple. I loved it and hated it at the same time. Buddy Jumps doesn't play when he says he messes with the darn lighting.


  1. UltimateItalion

    UltimateItalion Legendary

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    I created an account just to let you know that I hate you. Your map made me so angry and frustrated. 10/10 would troll my friends with this great yet simplistic map.
    Buddy Jumps likes this.
  2. Buddy Jumps

    Buddy Jumps Jumpmaster
    Senior Member

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