    Update to my map WORSHIP (might be called worshiper in my files, tried to change it.) The video posted gives a fly-through of the map as it stands.

    -Large Red temple now has walls/windows to create more cover.

    -Purple temple has rocks and trees covering the sides now.

    -brought the boundaries in more to make the map smaller (less open areas).

    -added a lot more trees/rocks to cut off site-lines and create more areas of cover.

    -Moved the flaming totems to middle pond area.

    -Added spawns, weapons, power-ups and strongholds
    Sun_Jan_31_23-41-24_PST_2016.png Sun_Jan_31_23-41-52_PST_2016.png Sun_Jan_31_23-42-12_PST_2016.png Sun_Jan_31_23-42-43_PST_2016.png
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