6v6 Slayer

Map Description

  1. ChrisO
    Update to my map WORSHIP (might be called worshiper in my files, tried to change it.) The video posted gives a fly-through of the map as it stands.

    -Large Red temple now has walls/windows to create more cover.

    -Purple temple has rocks and trees covering the sides now.

    -brought the boundaries in more to make the map smaller (less open areas).

    -added a lot more trees/rocks to cut off site-lines and create more areas of cover.

    -Moved the flaming totems to middle pond area.

    -Added spawns, weapons, power-ups and strongholds

Recent Reviews

  1. Broke out of the map but was aesthetically pleasing.


  1. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Dude! I've been bumping around the idea of an asian themed map for a while now, but it never looks good when I try to put pen to paper. I've even considered remaking one of the asian maps from UT3, but then I think about my own remake and say helllll nooo!!! So glad to see this up here. I hope it inspires more maps like this.
  2. ChrisO

    ChrisO Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! Yeah, it is challenging, I started so many Asian themed maps and scrapped them, they just didn't look right. The new update that previews the blocks really helped me with this one.
  3. PneumoniK

    PneumoniK Legendary

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    Given that I have not played the map my opinions are solely based off of the pictures presented. The map itself has solid geometry but I feel like it needs more structure. By that I mean a few of the buildings don't have much to them and would not encourage movement to them. Another issuse I could see is the lack of cover or LOS breakers in between those structures which would then cause standoff like situations. What I mean by that is people shooting at each other building to building rather than moving around the map and adding to a more interesting style of gameplay. That's not to say the map is bad I believe that this map can be very good given the right changes. Your aesthetics are nice and I'm sure you can come up with something cool keep up the good work. -PneumoniK
  4. ChrisO

    ChrisO Legendary
    Senior Member

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    @PneumoniK Thanks for the feedback! I agree, some of the buildings need more too them..my other problem is there is too much open area. I was gonna go back and look at possibly cutting off some of the large open pathways (not pictured) and maybe fin a way to get some blocks back to start adding more to the large black/red temple. I have a couple ideas. I placed power weapons in each temple to try an attract moving to them. I also think this map would best play on strongholds game type, I placed some in there now. again thanks for the feedback, still tweeking!
  5. PneumoniK

    PneumoniK Legendary

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    If you ever wanna talk just message me over Xbox and we can discuss ideas.
  6. ChrisO

    ChrisO Legendary
    Senior Member

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    ChrisO updated WORSHIP with a new update entry:


    Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. AnonFriction

    AnonFriction Legendary
    Forge Critic

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    What is your GT to get the map?
  8. ChrisO

    ChrisO Legendary
    Senior Member

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    sorry, gamertag is MOTHERPUNCHER33

    DEEP NNN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Finally, you posted your GT.

    Beautiful map but for some reason that has come at a cost. Frame dropping/judder, what ever it's called, was very prevalent when I looked at the map in slayer. I'm not saying this happens on every XB1 but it happened on mine.

    If I look at the main structure from across the map and Pan the scene, the image jumps like crazy. Same thing used to happen in previous Halo maps if they were overbuilt. I jumped down behind some rocks and did the same Pan and it was smooth. I draw the conclusion some areas of the map are overbuilt.

    When I looked at the map in Forge, I noticed the frame jumpiness wasn't so bad until I baked the lighting. I noticed your object count at 1022 and lighting at 180%. Maybe reducing the number of objects with "bake lights" on could help.

    I wouldn't have bothered posting anything if I hadn't wanted to play on this map with my friends. It looks so good.
  10. ChrisO

    ChrisO Legendary
    Senior Member

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    @DEEP NNN thanks for the great feedback!

    Yeah I pretty much maxed out the blocks and light map is way over... I am sure there are frame issues. I tested it myself and didn't notice too much, but I only tested on my own, I didn't play with anyone else. I noticed some objects disappeared or couldn't render in the distance...this is a great forge learning experience though, thanks for looking at it!
  11. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Have you tried refining the light lengths, widths and how many lights display next to each other. I shut off half my lights that were side by side to reduce frame stutter, but kept the lights for aesthetics. Worked like a charm.
  12. DEEP NNN

    DEEP NNN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I brought a large group onto the map for a quick look. They all liked the look of it. If the frame stutter can be fixed, we'd love to play on it.

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