Wild West


Map Description

  1. ImDahUnicorn
    This map is an infectionmap made for 10-14 ppl, and with a "wild west" theme.

    The map features 4 holdouts, all with different types of defence, specific spawn rooms/areas for infected and a specialized gametype called Wild West Infection.
    The (main)holdouts are:

    1. The bank, the bank is the black building next to the water tower, and features a small room with a backyard. The ways for infected to attack is from the main entrance or over the fence in the backyard from Infection spawn B.

    2. The storage building, located on the other side of the "mainroad" from the bank (also next to the watertower). This building is small with limited movement, however, you can stand right outside both of the entrances. By the one closest to the watertower though, you have to watch out bcz there is an infection spawn on the other side of the fence opposite of the watertower. The ways for infected to attack are from the watertower and from infection spawn C.

    3. The sherrifs office that has been wiped and the alleyway behind it. Located as the middle part of the map, it's pretty hard to miss. Has a porch and a long alleyway behind it. This holdout is good if you have a lot of ppl since it's the biggest of the 4. The infected can attack from the blue building (infected spawn E), the front entrances of the office, and the backpart of the alley, don't go too far out in the alley as the infected can clamber over the fence to your right about halfway from the curve to the end of the alley (infected spawn B)

    4. The barn. The barn is the red building (brown on some photos) located on the other side of the blue building (from the office) and next to the hotell. This is only one room but it offers some playspace in the front for survivors as well. The ways to attack the barn is the front and sideentrance, as well as well as the window in the back of the barn which you access with a lift in infection spawn C.

    Of cource you can make a stand anywhere you want but those are the best ones to hold out in.

    The map also features a system that allows the infected to choose where to spawn, out of infection spawns A-F. These spawns are all different and they all grant initial access to different parts of the map. Here are the spawns:

    A: Alpha is a spawn inside the watertower that allows the infected to drop down on anyone underneath, the spawn is used to attack the bank and the storage building.

    B: This is the biggest spawn of them all, as it stretches from the bank to the alleyway behind the office. This spawn is used to attack the back of the bank as well as the alleyway behind the office.

    C. This is the second biggest spawn, that goes from the watertower to the barn. This spawn is used to attack the storage building, as well as the barn, as it posseses a lift that leads up to the backwindow in the barn.

    D. This spawn is inside the Hotell, on the balcony. From there you can attack the office, barn and anyone that walks on the street underbeath.

    E. This is located in the top of the blue building and acts as a way to attack the alley and the office with a jumpattack.

    F. This is the final spawn, located next to the blue building on the "barnside". It's used to attack the front of the barn and to spawn in that part of the map in generall.

    Callouts on the map are:

    the Watertower, selfexplainatory.

    the Bank, black building in the
    corner of the map next to the watertower.

    Civi, the Civilian house next to the bank.

    the Storagebuilding, grey with brown roof located opposite of civi.

    the Hanging platform, a playfrom used to hang ppl, located next to the storagebuilding.

    the Sherrifs office, located in the middle of the map and is ligh brown.

    the Alley, located behind the office, and it is an alley xD

    the Bar, aka the blue building. located next to the alley and opposite the hotell.

    the Hotell, located between the Hanging platform and the Bar, is colored peach with brown details.

    the Barn, located next to the Hotell, is red and black.

    West mainstreet, goes from office to the Barn.

    North mainstreet, goes from ofiice to the Watertower

    Infectionspawn A-F

    (The map has 3 magnums on it with 2 clips each that you can pick up as a survivor)
    REMkings, RoboMaster24 and JA50N 0 like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Really good map, as usual
  2. RoboMaster24 RoboMaster24
    Awesome great mal uni


  1. Geometry Goat

    Geometry Goat Legendary

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    Seems like a grand place to fight a buddy or two :)
    ImDahUnicorn likes this.
  2. ImDahUnicorn

    ImDahUnicorn Mythic
    Senior Member

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    yeah, this version is infection only but I should be done with a compeditive version tomorrow ;)
  3. ImDahUnicorn

    ImDahUnicorn Mythic
    Senior Member

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    there's a version called wwas that you can use for now untill the final objective version is done.

    EDIT- A version of the map that is for compeditive play is now posted under the name "Deadwood"
    (2-6 players)
    #4 ImDahUnicorn, Apr 19, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2016

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