8v8 Strongholds

Map Description

  1. MarkozaG

    Music - Vate: Umbra, Inanna​

    This Halo 5 Forge map was built over a two week period by MarkozaG and dae walkR from Team W00T New Zealand.

    There was no pre-planned designs and was built in an agile, organic manner based on some loose ideas, such as 1. multileveled 2. vantage points 3. abilities focus 4. fluid map movement 5. balanced 6. openness.

    This is the first time MarkozaG has used forge and this is the first map we've ever published.

    Waterfort is a BTB map (8v8), but can be played with less players. It is fully functional for Slayer, Strongholds and CTF gametypes.

    Vertically the map has six fighting height levels across three horizontal zones.

    Vertical Levels
    - 0 Water pool, cove, bridge
    - 1 team bases, fort basement, waterfall base
    - 2 fort level one, tank cargo hold, overshield platform
    - 3 fort top level, fort top level buildings, rock attack positions
    - 4 fort sniper tower
    - 5 banshee waterfall cliff, crane

    Horizontal zones
    - fort front
    - fort
    - fort back

    Spawn items
    - Overshield

    - Banshee
    - Scorpion

    Weapon pads
    - Rocket Launcher
    - Spartan Laser
    - Energy Sword
    - Sniper Rifle

    x4 frag grenades
    x2 plasma pistol
    x2 plasma grenade
    x2 pulse grenade
    x2 DMR
    x4 BR
    x2 Needler



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