
8v8 Capture the Flag

Map Description

  1. Ire JarQa
    This is a remake of Wastelands from modern warfare 2. My first map, so any criticism/feedback is highly welcome..


  1. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    Hey there. Just got done checking the map out and I figured I'd give you some feedback.

    To start, as someone who played MW2 relentlessly back in the day, there were some facets of the map that did remind me of the original. The tunnel and trench placement was there as well as some buildings.

    However, the map seemed very incomplete. Nothing seemed properly colored and the map boundaries weren't even defined. There were no cinematic on the map and some elements felt lazy, or half finished. Notably, one of the teams spawn lacked it's signature church building.

    I have some advice that might help you move forward with the map.

    -Use more shrubbery and bush elements. Wasteland had much more.
    -Avoid being lazy when phasing vehicles through things
    -Define your map boundaries. It completely shatters the immersion when a player can clearly see that you are just floating in space
    -Add more detail. The map is very barren, even for Wasteland
    -Try to determine a color scheme
    -Some scaling seems off for Halo. Trenches are too small

    Please keep me updated! I'd like to continue giving feedback and see where you go with the map. Forge on!
    Ire JarQa likes this.
  2. Ire JarQa

    Ire JarQa Legendary

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    Hey thanks dude, I should really have explained these issues in the description, as I was aware of em all lol. I ran out of item budget basically.I wanted a lot more detail, grass especially and a lot of shrubbery, but had to leave loads out. That's why the edges aren't defined, and there are small holes etc. The church is there, it's just not a church lol. And the vehicle phasing is because it was the only was I could find to make it so players can't drive them, especially the tanks, even half submerged you could get in and shoot. If there's a proper way to do this I'll update it. also I didn't realise about the colours until you mentioned it x)

    Thank you for taking the time to post dude :)
    I think maybe the only real way to fix it is to start again, on a smaller scale to free up some item budget. Budgeting is a problem I seem to have a lot, the other map in my share called hillainus, maxed the physics budget half way through..

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